How To Smell Amazing All Day Long In Summer?

As the mercury is rising, people living in the country have started to worry about how they smell. Every day, they spray themselves with deodorant in a large quantity hoping it to last for long hours. However, by merely spraying yourself with an unlimited amount of body spray is not going to be enough in hot and humid weather in the summer season. What you need is something extra that can help you in smelling good all day long with minimal touch-ups.

There are several types of deodorants available over the counter and online, however, only a handful of them actually deliver what they promise. Rest of them just have a very weird and strong fragrance, which instead of keeping you fragrant and fresh contributes to the stale sweat smell, creating an unbearable concoction of smells. If you wish to smell amazing all day long without worrying about the sweat, here are some tips for you.

Take A Bath Every Day:

If you think that fragrance starts with the perfume or deodorant, you need to think about it again. The first step towards a fresh fragrant skin starts from cleansing it. Your body is covered with dead skin, sebum, bacteria and such other elements, which mixes with the sweat and create a stale smell. If you will avoid cleaning yourself up, all this will accumulate and make things worse. Take a bath every day using an antibacterial soap. This will help in removing all the bacteria cleaning up your skin.

Use Season Friendly Deodorant Fragrance:

The biggest mistake one can make is buying deodorant sprays at random. You need to make sure that the fragrance of the deodorant spray is suitable for the weather and season. Wearing strong, spicy and woody deodorant sprays can make you as well as people around you feel weird and dull. You need something that has a fresh touch to it. Something light in accordance with the hot season will be the best choice. Try out fresh fragrances with citrusy, herby, fruity and aquatic light notes. You can find such options with the international deodorant range available with Lomani Deo.

Layer With A Perfume:

A deodorant is never enough to survive in the summer heat. You need something extra, which can enhance the fragrance as well as hold it down for long hours. Apply a good Eau de parfum or oil based perfume as a base on your skin and layer it with deodorant. This will help in adding hours to the life of the deodorant, enhancing its sillage as well as longevity. Make sure to choose perfume and deodorant from a similar fragrance family or a scent that compliments each other.

Apply On Pulse Points, Not On Clothes:

Some of us are habitual of applying deodorant on our clothes instead of skin. This makes the deodorant evaporate in no time leaving no trace behind.  Since you are aware, deodorants have mere 1-2% of perfume essence in them, it will not be able to survive on clothes. You need to apply it on your skin, on the pulse points. This will help in enhancing your fragrance, making it more noticeable.

You can improve your fragrance experience with deodorants by using highly perfumed international deodorant sprays. Brands like Lomani Deodorants are offering some of the best fragrant deodorants for men and women at a budget-friendly price on online perfume stores like Perfume Booth. Check out the options available and get one for every moment. These highly perfumed deodorant sprays have high perfume concentration, which enhances their longevity making them the best choice for the summer season.

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